Our favorite hike in Red Rock! We loved the hike, seeing the pond with frogs, and the views of Las Vegas. Highly recommended.
Distance: 2.5 miles round trip
Time: 2 hours
Start: Red Rock Canyon Rd (Off Scenic Dr)
Difficulty: Easy
Elevation Gain: 431 ft

I believe this is a darkling beetle – they are sometimes referred to as stink bugs because they aim their rear towards you and release a nasty smell to scare away predators. This one is larger in size around 2 inches!

Beautiful desert plants

My kids are part mountain goat, but this picture makes it look a lot more dangerous than it was in reality. We don’t let them do anything too crazy!

My kids dipped their feet in this stale desert water. It was nice and refreshing at the end of a long hot day.

Awesome views of Las Vegas

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