Loop trail(s) near the airport in Orlando Florida. See mossy trees, strange mushrooms, lakes, and even some wildlife.
Distance: 7.47 mile loop
Time: 3 hours
Start: Moss Park campground
Difficulty: Medium
Elevation Gain:
Fee: $3
There are two access points into this trail system. I entered through the North entrance (Moss Park) and had to pay a small day use fee – $3 I believe. There is a nice camping area here and kids were playing and biking on the hill near the trail head. I think you can see how the park got it’s name…
There are a lot of different trails you can travel on. I wanted to see as much as I could so I started on the Swamp Trail (or trail to Moss park), started North on the North/Salt trail (green), then took the Lake loop (blue 1.2 miles) until it connected back to green. Then I went around the entire green loop (5.3 miles) and returned out the same way I came in.
In order to see this view from a short board walk, you must take the lake loop. There wasn’t a sign out to here, but the map I received at Moss Park showed this short little side trail. In the distance, I saw two dear trying to stay far away from me.
A lot of greens and browns, this little yellow plant was a bright spot on the trail.
I’m fascinated by all the different variety of vegetation (especially mushrooms) I see at various locations.
I enjoyed the walk, but had I know that the south loop didn’t really give me much new to look at, I would probably recommend you cut across the center trail and skip the bottom loop.
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