Stewart Falls

This is a fun trail starting from above Sundance in a place called Aspen Grove.  To get to the main parking lot you pass a fee station where you have to pay a few bucks.  I'm not aware of anywhere else nearby you can park and hike so you might as well just pay the... Continue Reading →

Bridal Veil Falls

If you haven't been to Bridal Veil Falls lately, you are missing out.  In fact, you should see it in various seasons to see how different it can be.  Most people see the falls without ever leaving the paved trail.     there is a trail that takes you to the bottom of the falls (or you... Continue Reading →

Manoa Falls – Oahu Hawaii

We started at Lyon arboretum and I highly recommend this path as it is very beautiful. We got there before it officially opened, but they told us to feel free to explore anyway. We saw several wild Macaw birds, lush jungle, huge mushrooms, strange and beautiful flowers. We also swung on vines and ate some... Continue Reading →

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