Big Springs Hollow Trail


Distance: 4.5 miles RT
Time: 2 hour
Start: Provo Canyon to Vivian Park – S Fork Rd to Big Springs Park
Difficulty: Family friendly – Moderate
Elevation Gain: 842 ft

We wanted to see how the kids would handle a 5 mile hike, so we chose the Big Springs Hollow Loop trail.  To get to the trail head, drive through Big Springs park and park at the parking lot at the end of the road.  We started on the South side trail (rather than the road going West).

Big Springs Hollow

Big Springs Hollow meadow

The main springs were dried up when we went in May 2014, so that part was a big disappointment for the kids.

Dried Springs

However, it was very nice ending the hike near the stream on the boardwalk and with a lot more shade.  We came across a kaleidoscope of baby blue butterflies…

Blue Butterflies

And we played in the water.  The kids got pretty wet, but since we were almost done with the hike we didn’t mind so much.

Playing in the water

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