Battle Creek Falls Hike


Distance:  1.4 Miles RT
Time:  1 hour.
Start: End of Battle Creek Dr. in Pleasant Grove
Difficulty: Family Friendly – Moderate
Elevation Gain: 444 ft

Battle Creek Falls is a short hike (a little less than 1.5 miles round trip), to a pretty decent waterfall.  The trail continues past the waterfall, but we didn’t make it that far on this trip.

Battle Creek Sign

We generally take our dog Billy with us on hikes and he loves the water.  So much so, that he would stay and play in the water all day if we let him.  His favorite activity is removing sticks from the water and placing them on the edge.  The small pool below was good for him to swim as well as for the kids to practice skipping rocks.

Pool in river

People where repelling from the side of the waterfall the entire time we were there.  My youngest wanted to look down from the top of the waterfall, but then decided it was a bit too dangerous.

Battle Creek Falls

Also, there is a nice playground area near the bottom, so let the kids play there for a while after the short hike.

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